Springfield Community Living Options
Everyone deserves a place they can call their own, and The Arc provides that opportunity to individuals with developmental disabilities through a variety of supported community living programs.
Residential Program
We provide individualized support for individuals with intellectual and development disabilities tailored specifically for them, in directing their own lives while ensuring the highest quality of care. We provide a strong source of advocacy, social inclusion, and maintain a person-centered focus for individuals directing their own lives, being a part of their community, while living in their own home. The Residential Team approaches everyone’s supportive needs where they are at.
Services offer professional support for individuals who:
- Have an Intellectual and/or developmental disability
- Have unique challenges that arise while aging in place

Specialized Support Services
The Arc of the Ozarks serves individuals who have a co-occurring developmental disability and mental health disorders. Our team is committed to developing interpersonal connections through a supportive, community-based residential setting that meets the unique needs of everyone. At the heart of this service is the belief that every individual should have the opportunity to define themselves and not be defined by their diagnosis, behavior, trauma history or current skill level. A person’s circumstances do not determine where they can go, only where they start.
We endeavor to create an environment of unconditional support through personal contact that results in:
- An internal change
- Improving all aspects of an individual’s quality of life
- Increasing their sense of self-worth
The Arc of the Ozarks offers supports for individuals with autism. We have specialized training for staff to ensure they understand the unique social, behavioral, and developmental characteristics of autism. We offer 24-hour staff supervision to assist the individual in accomplishing their goals and monitor their progress. This program is designed to create the greatest opportunity for independence and self-reliance.
Our trained support staff empower individuals to:
- Engage in activities of interest
- Maintain valued relationships
- Participate as active and respected members of the community
Connect & Get Started
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