Go Blue for Autism at Walk Now for Autism Speaks

The Arc of the Ozarks gathered a team for this year’s Walk Now for Autism Speak’s walk Saturday, September 12 , 2015. In an effort to raise awareness for the autism services provided by The Arc,  both employees and consumers with The Arc showed their support by joining together and wearing blue as they walked around Jordan Valley Park. Autism Speaks is a unique organization The Arc is proud to support through this event each year. The Walk Now For Autism Speaks Website provides greater detail stating,  Walk Now for Autism Speaks, the nation’s largest grassroots autism walk program, is Autism Speaks’ signature fundraising and awareness event, taking place in communities across the United States, as well as in Canada. Powered by volunteers and families with loved ones on the autism spectrum and local businesses and companies that employ those on the spectrum, this successful grassroots fundraising effort not only generates vital funds for autism research but also raises awareness about the increasing prevalence of autism and the need for increased research funding to combat this complex disorder.” While The Arc provides a wide range of services for individuals with disabilities, it is clear that the need for autism services is on the rise. The Arc will continue to support individuals and families affected by autism for years to come.
