Mind Over Matter


Travis, a 22-year-old young man came to placement at Renovations in October of 2012. He had demonstrated manipulative, aggressive type behaviors along with poor social skills. Travis had little motivation to do anything other than play video games which he very much enjoys. After some time participating in the Renovations ISL program, Travis was encouraged by staff on a daily basis to explore his capability and to acknowledge that he can do anything he puts his mind to. Travis grew as a young man and found that with encouragement and some help he was capable to have so much more in his life. As Travis developed, he recognized his capability, intelligence and started to self-motivate. Travis moved to a Progressions ISL in March of 2016 where he now has four hours of alone time in the community unaccompanied by support staff and is able to utilize city transportation independently. Travis has been employed in the community without job supports for over a year in a food service position. With his current trend in progress, he is set to move on to his goal of receiving CI support only within the next year. 
