Mike Foley Recognized by Springfield Police Department

On Thursday, May 18, an Arc staff member Mike Foley, Training Assistant, was recognized by the Springfield Police Department for his “resoluteness” as an outstanding citizen for walking 5 miles each day to and from work. Sargent Nelson Kibby has seen Mike walk to and from work many times a week over the past several years and was inspired by his resilience and persistence. “We don’t get to deal with the positive very much, so you have inspired me because I know you’re going to work. We deal with people every single day who refuse to work, who refuse to do anything and to see you rain, shine or snow, it didn’t matter, you were walking down the road, you were going to work! That impressed me.” Stated Sargent Kibby. Mike was recognized with a “Certificate of Resolute” signed by Sargent Kibby and the Chief of Police. Mike was surrounded by several other officers, his family and co-workers cheering him on for this great achievement. Mike is a wonderful asset to The Arc of the Ozarks and demonstrates the true meaning of hard work and dedication. The Arc is honored to have such a wonderful employee. Congratulations Mike!

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