No Limits Summer Camp is “In Tents” this year

The Arc No Limits Summer Camp helps children and young adults with a variety of disabilities to have a summer filled with activities in a safe and fun environment. 

Amy Holland, Director of Education and Recreation, along with Liz Leese, Assistant Director of Education and Recreation train and supervise 21 summer camp counselors.  
Brenda, a parent of a current camper stated “No Limits Summer Camp does so much for my son. It gives him socialization over the summer he wouldn’t otherwise have, the opportunity to make new friends and work on his social skills and calming techniques. This camp has taught him how to swim, build his self-esteem, self-confidence and even more importantly, learn how to handle stressful situations out in the community with large groups of people. There aren’t enough words to describe the incredible work this camp does and we would be lost without it.”

No Limits Summer Camp has two separate sessions each summer with 85 children enrolled this year. The campers go out into the community each day of camp and do activities. The children will go to such places as Firehouse Pottery, Wonders of Wildlife and Incredible Pizza. Other activities include swimming, music therapy and watching movies.
Our No Limits Summer Camp program is an unfunded program of The Arc of the Ozarks. United Way, Abilities First, grants and donations make this camp possible each year. 
For more information on this program, please contact Amy Holland at 
