With Encouragement, Goals Can Be Achieved
Loretta had once dismissed the idea of doing physical activity or exercising. She opted to play computer games at the local library instead. Although playing on the computer at the library is a way to fill up time, there’s not physical movement involved, and she was missing out of socializing.
Loretta’s pathway to exercise involved a committed support system made up of The Arc staff who encouraged her along the way. Loretta now regularly attends group exercise classes 3 days a week at the Monett Area YMCA with other community members. Not only has her social group expanded, she has lost weight. The weight loss improved her overall cardiovascular health, which had been a worry in the past.
This is just one example of how, with just a bit of encouragement and support, we can stand with our individuals while they direct their own lives to be valued members of the communities in which we all live.